Youth Club

Team Mission : Encourage youth to get involved in community activities

Purpose: FDRs famous quote goes "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future". With this vision, Our youth club is currently on its mission to reach out to the youth in the community to tap their enthusiasm, talent and interest at an early age. We attempt to provide our youth the exposure through community services and in the process raise their awareness towards issues faced by humanity in general. Our youth club will be the thread that weaves all our initiative together. Our youth volunteers will be encouraged to involve themselves with each of our initiatives based on their interests and thus will be provided an opportunity to form in themselves a sense of individuality driven by hardwork and dedication.

How to get involved: Parents can register their children to the youth club initiatives and as and when opportunities come up, be open to allow the children to volunteer for the activities. As your children acrue hours voluntary hours, please keep track of it on your own with dates, hours and cause. Youth club is working closely with the core group to finalize on a google forms based process to gather the voluntary hours for children and adults and consolidating them in HSNA portal. Here is the link to the registration

Please scan the code to register for youth club activities. Thank you!